UFI Dongle is security dongle to be used with UFI Android ToolBox, No additional activation is needed.
Ultra low cost, Rich features, Using the same software used by UFIBOX.
• Debrick Android Intel devices(ASUS, Lenovo, etc)
• Debrick Android Qualcomm (HSUSB 9008) devices
• Repair Imei for Android Intel and Qualcomm (and another platform in future update)
• Normal flashing via Fastboot, Intel and Qualcomm Sahara or Firehose protocol
• Support files for Firmware
– Universal Android Fastboot flash client
– Brand and Model based firmware definition
– Support for Official ASUS .raw and .zip files
– Backup and Restore Android user data, apk files for before and after flashing
– Factory reset(erase cache and data ) for Android devices
– “Factory erase before flash” to clean-up user data
– “Erase all partitions(blankphone)”, this will erase all userdata partition including factory and config, imei and calibration data will be permanently deleted.
this should only be used for “empty board”, for example after you replace the eMMC.
– Included Root script for ASUS Intel devices(‘#’ icon), based on: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/intel-android-devices-root-temp-cwm-t2975096
there are 4 fastboot oem triggers available. For newer device usually “T4” will work, but for A400CG please select “T2”.
– Intel SoC Platform Flasher for bricked devices
Supported platform: Moorestown, Medfield, Merrifield, Moorefield, CloverView and CloverViewPlus
– Pre-packaged debrick file(UFI-ASUS_intel_debrick_package.zip) available for the following devices:
- ASUS_T00F(A500CG), ASUS_T00J(A501CG)
- ASUS_T00G(A600CG), ASUS_Z002(A601CG)
- ASUS_T00I(A400CG)
- ASUS_T00K(A502CG)
- ASUS_T00Q(A450CG)
- ASUS_Z007(ZC451CG)
- ASUS_Z008(ZE550ML)
- ASUS_Z00A(ZE551ML)
- K00Z(ME175CG)
- K012(FE170CG)
currently implemented:
– Imei repair for Intel SoC platform, specially for ASUS Intel devices.
– Generic Imei repair for Qualcomm.
WARNING: IMEI changing is illegal in most countries. Only use this function to restore the original IMEI !!!
– Dump all the eMMC partitions
extcsd, boot1, boot2, gp part and userarea partition
– Read and write single partition for example factory, config, modemst1, modemst2, etc
WARNING: dump result might be corrupted due to limitation of adb server and client in the windows environment, to resolve this please insert microSd into the device and use the “Dump to microSD” checkbox
– Screencap to capture the device screen, might be useful for documentation or repair phone with faulty lcd
– Clear or Disable PERM_WRITE_PROTECT bit in the csd field, to fix or avoid “cannot be wipe” problem
– DragAndDrop handler for adb sideload
– DragAndDrop handler for apk install
Package include:
1 x UFI dongle
NOTE: We dont guide you how to use it make sure you know how to use it before buying it, however you can still find solution or help from official site or at https://www.martview-forum.com/forums/ufi-box-dongle.183/
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